Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tell me thats not country...

Brinley Addington, country music extraordinare

Friday, April 28, 2006

Gate City

There are monsters lurking in the corners...Im sure of it.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Never what?

Big Lots words of wisdom. Ha.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Night Light

Self explanatory I would think.

Misha Perdomo

When not experiencing depression from post wrist injury pain, Misha is actually a rather delightful person.
Though he shows a great amount of desire for the females of this planet, he is often the target of much jesting, primarily centered around his borderline homosexuality. He is a phenominal skateboarder with skill and finess that supercede even the dreams of most others. His style on a skateboard is only paralleled by his seemingly unending creativity and pleasantness all around, despite his proclivity for outlandish insults. Point is..misha is the shit and he is my friend. Period.
p.s. he wanted a bio on my blog so this is my best attempt.

High Flying

It is I.
This Photo was taken by one Patrick Mcinerney, the Irishman of 21, a fellow skateboarder, photographer, occaisionally mentor, and always a friend.
Check out his photos at ___do it.

Daniel Musser

Daniel Musser is a mountain man. He is one of the most honest, true to self, compassionate assholes I have ever come across. Here he has a beard, made like a true mountain man, full and neckly (if thats even a word).

Edward James Carter

This is my brother_my 16 year old, dreadlocked, younger brother. He's pretty cool I guess.

Home Sweet Home.

_My cluttered kitchen, as inviting as ever.

_Theres a place at the bottom of those stairs few dare to enter, plagued with homeliness and two of the strangest creatures known to man, one of sixteen years and the other two years his senior.
...its often whispered, ever so carefully, from the lips of the fearful into ears of the curious, his room is down there, both of them...they are called carter..

I thought bricks were red.

Appearently, Middle Tennessee State University bricks are blue.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Pride of the Tri-Cities

You never new it could look so creepy did you?
None the less, its great food in a flash!

Is that in the dictionary?

I actually think the definition is something like, "the first thought of a series of thoughts tellecommunicated between a professional bowling male and his nascar loving wife"
or maybe that was a dream....anyway thats some 1984 shit right there.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Family Portrait

Might as well be family.

the meloncholy of the kindergarten fish

Misha Perdomo, his fish, and his wounded wrist