Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Misha Perdomo

When not experiencing depression from post wrist injury pain, Misha is actually a rather delightful person.
Though he shows a great amount of desire for the females of this planet, he is often the target of much jesting, primarily centered around his borderline homosexuality. He is a phenominal skateboarder with skill and finess that supercede even the dreams of most others. His style on a skateboard is only paralleled by his seemingly unending creativity and pleasantness all around, despite his proclivity for outlandish insults. Point is..misha is the shit and he is my friend. Period.
p.s. he wanted a bio on my blog so this is my best attempt.


Patrick McInerney said...

This photo is backwards. You joker.

Anonymous said...

hey! i've been there!
